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Flip open the page of festive spirits to have the ultimate Christmas celebration yet! Here's our Christmas Preparation guide to serve as your checklist!
Bullet Journaling

Prepare for Christmas with Dingbats* | Your ultimate guide to festive Christmas preparations in 2023!

The festive season is upon us, and it is the time of the year when you may have to remain in 'action mode' all month long for a grand celebration on Christmas day. With a bit of thoughtful planning...

JournalingWriting therapy

Writing therapy and its benefits | Explore tips & prompts for therapeutic writing | Dingbats* Notebooks

In the hustle of daily life, finding a sanctuary for your thoughts becomes crucial if one wants to have a positive approach towards life. Writing therapy, also known as journal therapy, is a practi...

Bullet JournalingJournaling as a gateway to flow state

The Science Behind Flow State | Achieving Optimal Performance with Dingbats*

Flow state, often described as being “in the zone,” is a psychological phenomenon where individuals become completely absorbed in an activity, losing track of time and distractions. ...

Bullet JournalingA young lady writing in a Dingbats* journal

А Guide for Student and Teacher Bullet Journal

In the hustle and bustle of a school year, both students and teachers are often faced with the challenge of staying organized and managing tasks efficiently. Enter the Bullet Journal, o...

Bullet JournalingShort on Bullet Journaling ideas. Read on to draw inspiration.

Creative Bullet Journal Ideas and Inspiration

Maintaining a personal life bullet journal is a great tool to customize and personalize your own planner, and mark your weekly spread and a to-do list all in one. And when it comes to enhancing you...

Creative Travel Bullet Journal Ideas

How to: Start a travel bullet journal | Creative Travel Bullet Journal Ideas for your next adventure

Discover creative travel bullet journal ideas to plan and document your adventures in style. From essential spreads to artistic touches and thematic journaling, this article will help you create a ...